Month: March 2018

Open S3 Buckets: From Bad to Worse

Just when you thought that the whole “globally readable Amazon S3 storage buckets” thing couldn’t get any worse, it did. According to a study by…

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The (not paranoid enough) Android

The train wreck that is Android security continues… A new strain of malware by security firm Wandera found in China has the following charming characteristics,…

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Beware of mobile number port out scams!

I spend a lot of time telling people to use two factor authentication on their important web accounts.  This may explain why I don’t get…

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The ultimate outsider threat?

I know I have been blathering on about insider threats lately, so let’s go to the other extreme – the ultimate outsider threat. A pair…

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Insiders on the outside

Homeland Security Magazine has a very interesting case study on an insider threat case involving DirecTV.  In this case, the insider was a sort-of third…

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